Skilled Immigration to Australia

Skilled Immigration to Australia? Cost comparison of living in Abu Dhabi VS Australia

Explore this blog and land down under a blend of stunning landscapes, diverse opportunities, and a high quality of life for career growth. People worldwide come to Australia because of its world-class healthcare services, strong economy, and amazing educational systems. Navigating the skilled immigration to Australia process can be complex, which is why many individuals take help from professional Australia skilled visa consultants in Abu Dhabi. Australia remains a famous destination for people searching to start over, whether because of lively culture, stunning beaches and the prospect of a better future.

Australia Skilled Immigration– Comparing Cost Of Living in Abu Dhabi, UAE vs. Australia

1.    Housing Costs

When applying for skilled immigration to Australia from Abu Dhabi, UAE, it is necessary to consider housing costs in Abu Dhabi and Australia, which differ significantly. Abu Dhabi frequently boasts extravagant, modern apartments, but they come at a significant price, making it one of the world’s most expensive cities for housing. The maximum rent for an Abu Dhabi one-bedroom apartment in the city is about AED 6400 (AUD 2150) monthly. However, in Australia, the complete cost of renting an apartment can significantly depend on size and location, but for a one-bedroom apartment, the average monthly rent is AUD 1800.

2.    Groceries and Food

One key aspect to consider when comparing the cost of living in Abu Dhabi and Australia is expenses related to groceries and food. In Abu Dhabi, UAE, there is an extensive range of dining options, as imported food can come with higher prices, and dining out can be expensive. In contrast, Australia produces most of its goods locally, making it much more affordable, and eating out can be budget-friendly. For example, the cost of groceries in Abu Dhabi is around 46.9% higher than in Australia.

3.    Transportation

In Australia and Abu Dhabi, public transportation costs are relatively affordable, with a single fare in Abu Dhabi AED 5 and Australia AUD 6. However, Australia offers a comprehensive public transportation network, but traveling with one’s car is more affordable, with low parking fees and insurance costs. In Abu Dhabi, car ownership is more expensive due to high vehicle registration fees and the price of petrol.

4.    Education and Healthcare

In Abu Dhabi, healthcare can be a little expensive, with expat packages and high-quality private facilities often covering some costs. Healthcare is primarily government-funded through Medicare in Australia, resulting in budget-friendly expenses. When exploring the cost of education in Abu Dhabi, we concluded that the educational fees of private schools in Abu Dhabi can be pricey, with monthly academic fees ranging from AED 706 for preschool to AED 12700 for an international primary school. On the other hand, Australia boasts a robust public educational system, providing subsidized primary and secondary education for permanent residents.

5.    Utility Cost

Due to air conditioning being necessary for the hot climate, Abu Dhabi tends to have higher utility expenses. This can cost between AED 500 to AED 1000 per month. Conversely, utility costs in Australia can vary depending on the region but often tend to be much more reasonable. Utilities, including (cooling, heating, electricity, garbage, and water) can cost around AUD 150 to 250 per for an 85 m2 apartment.

6.    Taxes

In Abu Dhabi, one of the remarkable attractions Of the UAE is its zero personal income tax. This can result in substantial savings for Australian expats. Conversely, Australians pay the highest personal income tax rate of about 45%, and the increase in rates depends on the income levels and the goods and services tax (GST) imposed on most goods and services. Abu Dhabi tax benefits may appeal to those trying to maximize their income, while Australia provides robust public service funded through taxation.

How can Australia Skilled Visa Consultants UAE Help with Budgeting and Relocation in Australia?     

Australia skilled visa consultants in Abu Dhabi, UAE can offer applicants essential advice on visa procedures and help them in choosing the best immigration route. Their professional team helps with planning the budget by providing insight into the cost of living. They help newcomers make financially responsible decisions by offering information about local expenses like healthcare, education, and housing.

Professional Australia skilled visa consultants in Dubai can also facilitate the transfer by putting applicants in touch with essential services like insurance companies, housing authorities, and banks. Their expertise guarantees a more flawless and informed relocation to Australia, reducing the daunting nature and process and increasing its manageability.

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